Spring Shoes

March 11, 2010 Leave a comment


– white KEEN

– black MCKEW








YES I’ve practically been living in ALDOs ever since I moved here.

Categories: Fashion Bloggers

Sunday Morning Sunray is Falling

February 21, 2010 1 comment




Kebaya Top (Forever 21), Batik Bottom (Orange)

Nine West Wedges

Categories: Fashion Bloggers


February 8, 2010 2 comments

I’ve been shopping πŸ˜€

and I’ve been depressed 😦 It’s cold and gloomy. Winter is definitely a fashion roadkill.

My newest darling is a flowy silk taffeta skirt from Aritzia in shifting sand. I’m in love and can’t wait to wear it when the weather gets warmer.





Tomorrow I am going to check out Aritzia for their Olympics collection. Can’t wait!

Picture Courtesy of Aritzia

Categories: Fashion Bloggers

Birthday Shots

January 9, 2010 Leave a comment

.. which were taken back in November 2009 (on the 20th, after my birthday dinner). lol.

I wore my brand new (at that time) Talula boyfriend shirt, asos wet-look skirt and asos obi.


and I got cute Disney earmuffs from my lovely sister


Categories: Uncategorized

Party, Anyone?

December 7, 2009 Leave a comment

I tried on two party dresses at H&M last weekend. One was a very nice purple tutu dress ( which was very nice, but the size was too small I couldn’t zip it up so no picture. And they didn’t have my size anymore =( )and the other one was this

The latter one is very nice as well but a bit too short for my liking. Other reasons, I don’t have any party to go to (yet) and when I do I will opt for the purple one (I don’t mind going to the north mall just for that lol).

I checked out H&M website for that purple dress, and there’s none. However, I found this interesting so-called “fashion studio” where I can mix and match H&M collections. Here’s what I came up with today.


note that the dress above is the same dress I tried on last weekend.


Did I tell you that Jimmy Choo for H&M never made it here?? I’m so disappointed =(

Categories: Fitting Room

Emmet Cullen Was Here

November 25, 2009 4 comments

I have been a bad blogger.. I took some photos for the blog but I never put them on.

November 15th, three New Moon casts came to the city: Kellan Lutz (Emmet Cullen), Christian Serratos (Angela) and the Canadian Chaske Spencer (Sam). That same day my friend Hana and I visited the mall to hang out and check out our favorite stores.. also saw 2012 (crazy movie, sucked the life out of me).

This was few hours before the guys (and girl) came.. Some people queued up since 7am the day before.. Nuts!


Trying out a top at Urban Outfitters


And this is what I wore



Categories: Misc

Le Chateau

November 9, 2009 Leave a comment

I haven’t written for awhile.. but let me present a new category in this blog: the Fitting Room story

The outfit is all mine except for the ribbon on my waist and the skirt. I was trying on this nice A-line skirt that has a petticoat and little tutu underneath (not sure what the fashion term is..), and came out with a belt ribbon. Really pretty and affordable, $10 only. Unfortunately when I looked at the washing instruction: Dry Clean Only. Off it went back on the rack πŸ˜›


Categories: Fitting Room


October 28, 2009 6 comments

I lost one of my beloved aunt today (28.10.09). Forever, she will be in my heart.

Ragil Mega & Almh. Hj. Henriette Tjasmo, December 2007

Tadi malam aku sakit. Jadi aku tidur cepat. Tapi, malah tidur ayam. Jam 1 aku bangun.. lapar karena nggak makan malam. Makan selembar roti.. sambil twitteran dan bbm-an sama kakak. Malam itu diakhiri dengan segelas wedang jahe pukul 4 pagi dan aku kembali tidur.

Entah pukul berapa Zeeshan bangunin aku sehabis mandi. Dia bilang, “Ragil, your sister is looking for you, I think she wants to tell you something important”. Dengan kaget dan percaya kalau something bad has happened, aku bangun dengan bb beberapa senti di depan muka. Sedetik kemudian, aku nangis meraung-raung di tempat tidur.. Zeeshan di sebelah berkali-kali tanya, “what’s wrong”, but I completely ignored him. Lima menit kemudian, baru aku bilang, “My aunt passed away”.

Masih sambil berurai air mata, aku cek my own bb. Ada banyak bbm yang masuk.. dari kakak dan sepupuku juga saudara2 yang di group bbm, dan satu telfon masuk unknown number. Setelah selese baca semua pesan, aku bilang ke suami “I’ve gotta call my parents” sembari balas bbm, “Aku baru bangun. Mau telfon Mom”. Kata kakak, “Mom lagi sibuk kayaknya.” Aku tanya lagi, “Pap?” Kata Tante Ani, “Papamu lg sibuk sms. Aku baru dapet sms papamu.” Akhirnya aku memutuskan telefon Papie. Zeeshan langsung bergerak nyalain komputer karena aku telefon pakai Skype.

Aku telefon Papie, masih sambil nangis. Pap bilang, “doakan ya.. bacain Al-Fatihah. Pap masih di jalan mau ketemu orang. Mom ada di RS Tebet”. Setelah itu aku telefon Mom. Suara Mom tegar walau aku tahu beliau habis nangis, “Ragil maafin Bude Eti ya.. Doakan ya, bacain Yaasin.. Kita baru sampai rumah. Tadi meninggalnya jam 7:15 (atau 50 aku kurang jelas-R). Kemaren Eyang pengen nengokin tapi kan nggak bisa. Trus kata Bude juga nggak usah Bude udah mau pulang. Kemaren sempat pulang sebentar, tapi terus aanval lagi dan masuk ICU lagi. Ini sekarang kita lagi di kamar Eyang, Eyang baru dikasih tau pelan-pelan. Eyang baik-baik aja. Kamu doain ya”.

Zeeshan berangkat kerja. Aku linglung. Jalan ke sana kemari, padahal udah jelas punya tujuan mau sholat. Aku ambil buku doa-doa, ambil air wudhu lalu sholat Dhuha dan sholat Jenazah. Abis itu aku duduk di atas sajadah. Bengong. Tapi terus aku mulai chatting lagi sama kakak. Yang diomongin: FIRASAT.

Waktu dapat kabar Bude masuk ICU, aku deg-degan. Agak hopeless.. kayaknya tau beliau mau pergi. Tapi aku nggak boleh ngeduluin yang di Atas. So I ignored that feeling. Satu hari, antingku jatuh sebelah.. aku bingung.. gumam sendiri, “aduh mau ada apa ya? semoga nggak ada apa-apa ya”. I ignored that feeling. Satu malam, aku mimpi buruk.. aku mimpi salah satu kakiku beraaaat rasanya. Sampe mau nyebrang jalan aja susah, mesti nyeret satu kaki itu. Sampe malu ditungguin mobil-mobil. Bangun tidur aku mikir, “koq mimpi gitu ya? Mau ada apa ya?” But I ignored that feeling. Setelah beliau pergi baru jelas firasatku, kaki Bude bermasalah sehingga beliau selalu sholat sambil duduk.

Hari ini seharian aku duduk di depan komputer. Kirim e-mail pemberitahuan ke keluarga suami.. tulis-tulis di facebook.. cari-cari foto aku dengan Almarhumah yang terus aku pajang di facebook. Semua dilakukan dengan unstoppable tears, ditemani lagu Andai Ku Tahu – Ungu, alunan piano dari kartu yang dikirimkan mertuaku, dan Watermark – Enya. Aku nggak kebayang nanti kalau ke Jakarta lagi.. ke rumah Eyang, nggak ada Bude Eti..

Bulan lalu aku ke Jakarta untuk ngerayain Idul Fitri. Sempat agak susah pulang karena gusi ada yang bengkak. Tapi akhirnya aku berangkat juga. Karena aku nggak mau menyesal di kemudian hari kalau ada yang ‘pergi’. And I’m glad I went home.. Aku ada di sana saat Bude Eti merayakan Idul Fitri untuk terakhir kalinya.

Aku masih nggak bisa percaya. Mungkin karena aku jauh.. Zeeshan pun sempat geleng-geleng, dia bilang “I can’t believe it though, she looks so young”.

Terakhir aku bertemu beliau, awal bulan ini.. dua hari sebelum aku berangkat kembali ke Edmonton.. 2 Oktober, Batik Day. Mungkin hari itu arwah Bude sebenarnya udah pergi. Tapi ahhh.. siapa sangka. Hari itu, Bude memuji-muji batik aku. Beliau juga bilang aku tambah cantik πŸ™‚ Sehari sebelum aku berangkat, aku berencana ke rumah Eyang lagi. Tapi gagal karena masih ada urusan. Jadi aku cuma bicara di telfon.. sama Eyang.. dan Bude Eti. Aku minta maaf karena nggak jadi ke sana. Kata Bude, “Nggak apa-apa. Kamu kan sibuk. Salam buat Zeeshan yaaa..”

Iya Bude, salam Bude aku sampaikan. Selamat Jalan, Bude.. Sampaikan salamku untuk Eyang Kakung dan Oom Badi. Aku sayang Bude.. dan doaku akan selalu menyertai Bude. Selamanya..

Categories: Misc Tags:

This Lady Wants to Go to Broadway

October 27, 2009 4 comments

..and star in the fabulous Hairspray


whoops forgot something..

there we go..

Categories: Uncategorized


October 24, 2009 2 comments

Many things happened this week. Well can’t exactly put it that way, I just did more things than being a couch potato and being bored. Let’s start with the recent one:


LOL, not really. This part is supposed to be called a day with Hana πŸ˜€ Hana had been having exams this week. So Friday I went to her dorm to cheer her up. Haha, just kidding, we just hung out in her room and talked for hours until we got hungry. We went to the mall in the evening and visited our three favorite stores. First is Forever21

I got myself a pair of snakeskin leggings, a red tank top that I’m gonna wear under my red transparent and top and a pair of hair pins. Hana got herself a headband embellished with a little hat and feathers. CUTE!

Then H&M (didn’t find anything, didn’t take any pictures) and T&T, which is an Asian grocery store where we bought lots of delish Asian food. Yummm!!

Few days earlier.. I decorated my apartment windows with some Halloween gel stickers. I totally wish I lived in a house that I would get some kids knocking on my door πŸ˜€


Categories: Misc