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Many things happened this week. Well can’t exactly put it that way, I just did more things than being a couch potato and being bored. Let’s start with the recent one:


LOL, not really. This part is supposed to be called a day with Hana 😀 Hana had been having exams this week. So Friday I went to her dorm to cheer her up. Haha, just kidding, we just hung out in her room and talked for hours until we got hungry. We went to the mall in the evening and visited our three favorite stores. First is Forever21

I got myself a pair of snakeskin leggings, a red tank top that I’m gonna wear under my red transparent and top and a pair of hair pins. Hana got herself a headband embellished with a little hat and feathers. CUTE!

Then H&M (didn’t find anything, didn’t take any pictures) and T&T, which is an Asian grocery store where we bought lots of delish Asian food. Yummm!!

Few days earlier.. I decorated my apartment windows with some Halloween gel stickers. I totally wish I lived in a house that I would get some kids knocking on my door 😀


Categories: Misc
  1. hanalicious
    October 25, 2009 at 9:36 am

    Eeeeek! Poseku aneyh… Ihihihi… Omaygawsh. Kaki bengkong. Mengapa saya berpose demikian?! Why didn’t you stop me? Ahahaha.
    Ihhh dekorasi helowinnya lucuuu. Gak beli kostum, Gil?

    • Ragil Mega
      October 25, 2009 at 11:25 am

      hahaha gak papa ah Han.. it’s cute 😀 di fashion spreads kan posenya aneh2 hihihi..
      Iya itu gel stickernya beli di Dollarama saja hehehe.. Aku gak pake kostum, soalnya gak ke mana2. Pengen ikut nganterin anak tetangga sih.. tapi.. masa sih pake kostum? :S

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